I attended the Center for Creative Studies College of Art and Design in Detroit Michigan majoring in Industrial Design with a minor in Graphic Communications. Detroit being the hub of automotive design and illustration provided me to with the nation’s leading advertising artists and automotive designers as instructors. Their vision, style and technique have influenced both automotive design and advertising illustration across the country. Because of their influence and inspiration
I soon embraced the illustrative part of Industrial Design.

After graduation I was hired by the advertising illustration studio McNamara and Associates located in Detroit. McNamara was a leading force in automotive advertising, design and illustration with affiliates in Toronto, New York and Los Angeles. It was this association that involved me in many automotive projects ranging from billboards, catalogues and national ads. Some of my illustrations and campaigns generated numerous awards from the immediate and national advertising community. It was through our New York office that I became associated with American Artists.

American Artists provided an opportunity to expand into other areas of illustration such as medical, publishing, editorial, consumer goods and the toy and game industry. Their renowned reputation provided me with premier representation across the country.

Although most of my career has been primarily automotive and product illustration, I enjoy projecting an objects personality. Whether it’s as serious as an engine or a whimsical as a toy you have to “draw” in the viewer. Products and their design have always intrigued me. It’s always a challenge for me to make an uninteresting product become interesting through artistic interpretation.This interpretation can be applied by both traditional or digital illustration methods.

As an artist I find there are more possibilities and less boundaries in this digital age. The computer screen is the new empty canvas in which you are free to create
Tony Randazzo